Conferences and Workshops

From Curiosity to Confidence: Building Engagement in Early Childhood Classrooms

Engagement is the cornerstone of effective early childhood education, fostering curiosity, confidence, and a strong foundation for future success. This session highlights how the Playful Learning model combines research and hands-on practices to create classrooms that captivate and inspire young learners, while preparing them for success as they transition into Kindergarten and the K-12 environment.

EdSHARe: Repurposing Two Large, Representative, and Diverse Education Cohort Studies for Research on How Education Shapes Later-Life Health and Cognition

The US Department of Education conducts cohort studies every decade on nationally representative high school students, collecting data from various sources. An interdisciplinary team of researchers has repurposed two cohort studies from the 1970s (National Longitudinal Study of the High School Class (NLS-72)) and 1980s (High School and Beyond (HSB)) to study aging and later life well-being. These longitudinal studies provide an excellent opportunity for STEM education researchers to learn about the long-term impact of a wealth of educational experiences. This talk will provide information about the 2021 HSB and 2025 NLS-72 follow-ups, featuring measures of cognitive functioning, health, and socioeconomic outcomes, along with surveys, cognitive assessments, health visits, biomarkers, and administrative records. It will also explain how to gain access to the data. These efforts are part of the Education Studies for Healthy Aging Research (EdSHARe) project. More information is available at

ALP-POP 2025 Call for Papers

Alp-Pop brings together scholars interested in population issues across several disciplines, including demography, economics, epidemiology, political science, sociology and psychology. The conference emphasizes empirical rigor and innovation over a given topic or geographical area, and meets the challenges of interdisciplinary and international

Demography Daze 2024

Demography Daze returns for 2024! Demography Daze, an annual workshop that brings together Duke and Carolina population scholars, postdocs and students to encourage idea exchange and incentivize collaborative population research will resume this year. Carolina Population Center (CPC) will host the 10th annual Demography Daze on Friday, September 6 from 1:00PM - 5:15PM. A reception will follow. Please join us!

NextGenPop @ Duke

NextGenPop is an undergraduate pipeline program in population research that aims to increase the diversity of the population field and nurture the next generation of population scientists. It is funded by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development of the National Institutes of Health (R25 HD105602). NextGenPop Fellows will study population composition and change through the lens of pressing contemporary issues, including race and income inequalities, health disparities, immigration, and family change. This June, DUPRI will host 21 fellows from 19 universities across the nation for a 2-week, in-person, on-campus summer experience. The theme will be Inequality and Health.