Conferences and Workshops

The Direct Approach to Ending Extreme Poverty: Global Lessons from Cash Transfer Programs

Drawing from experiences of dozens of cash transfer programs in low- and middle-income countries, Dr. Paul Niehaus will summarize key findings and share his internationally informed perspective, covering challenges to designing and launching randomized controlled studies, interpreting evidence from diverse contexts, and highlighting features that translate across contexts, including the U.S.

Demography Daze 2023

Demography Daze is back! Demography Daze is a unique one-day collaboration with Carolina Population Center where scholars and students present their work. The event encourages the exchange of ideas between centers, fosters collaboration, and demonstrates the strengths of both centers. This year, DUPRI will host the 9th annual Demography Daze on Friday, September 15 from 1:00PM - 5:15PM in Gross Hall room 270. A reception will follow on the Gross Hall Portico. Please join us!

Collaborative for Innovation in Data & Measurement in Aging (CIDMA)

Researchers at UChicago and Duke invite you to apply for the 2nd annual Collaborative for Innovation in Data & Measurement in Aging (CIDMA) Institute, held at the University of Chicago. The goal of CIDMA is to identify, design, conduct and assess innovations in data collection and measurement within longitudinal research on aging and disseminate the findings of these assessments broadly. Learn more about current CIDMA assessment projects here.

2023 PSID Annual User Conference Call for Papers

The Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) announces a call for papers for the 2023 PSID Annual User Conference. The conference encourages submissions that use data from PSID or its supplements—the Child Development Supplement (CDS), the Transition into Adulthood Supplement (TAS), the Disability and Use of Time Supplement (DUST), the Childhood Retrospective Circumstances Study (CRCS), or the Wellbeing and Daily Life Supplement (WB).

Accessing NC Public School Student and Teacher Data for Innovative Research

Faculty and researchers are invited to learn more about the expansive longitudinal database maintained by the North Carolina Education Research Data Center (NCERDC), as well as a variety of ways that external administrative or survey data can be integrated with students’ education records. The NCERDC, housed in the Duke Center for Child and Family Policy, is a valuable resource for research on public school education across multiple disciplines.

DUPRI Scholar and Professor of Statistical Science Jerry Reiter: Protecting Privacy in a Blended Data World

In this Links Lecture, sponsored by the American Statistical Association, Professor of Statistical Science and DUPRI Scholar Jerry Reiter will discuss integration of data from multiple sources, often known as data blending, which is a core activity for many statistical agencies. According to Reiter: "It promises to become increasingly prevalent in the future. However, data blending creates challenges for protecting the privacy and confidentiality of data subjects' identities and sensitive attributes, especially when the agency responsible for the blending seeks to disseminate public-use data products. In this talk, I describe some of the challenges to protecting confidentiality with blended data products. Along the way, I discuss techniques that statistical agencies have traditionally used to reduce disclosure risks in public use data files, as well as newer methods like synthetic data, verification/validation services, and differential privacy. I conclude with a set of big picture questions intended to motivate research on how agencies can facilitate access to confidential, blended data."

DUPRI to host Multilevel Modeling in R workshop on November 30, 2022

DUPRI will be hosting a workshop, Multilevel Modeling in R, on November 30. This 4-hour training will cover the basics of running multilevel models in R, including specification and syntax, interpretation and displaying of results, and model checking and comparison. Some prior experience using R is recommended.
Session Details
Date: Wednesday, November 30
Location: Gross Hall, Room 230C
9:00 AM – 11:00 AM: Intro, random intercept models with 1 predictor
11:00 AM – 11:10 AM: Break