By establishing partnerships with national and international institutions and organizations, DUPRI expands its reach and adds complementarity and breadth to Duke’s population research. External collaboration facilitates data collection, increases data access, and offers training and exchange opportunities for students and faculty.
Association of Population Centers (APC)
The Association of Population Centers (APC), founded in 1991, is an independent group of universities and research groups whose mission is to: foster collaborative demographic research and data sharing; translate basic population research for public policy decision-makers; provide educational and training opportunities in population studies; promote broader funding opportunities for population research; and support the principles of objective, rigorous evaluation of grant applications and scientific integrity of research findings.
Carolina Population Center at the University of North Carolina, USA
The Carolina Population Center is a community of scholars and professionals collaborating on interdisciplinary research and methods that advance the understanding of population issues. CPC faculty and students work together on path-breaking research to address local, national and international population concerns. Based at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the center encompasses active faculty fellows, predoctoral and postdoctoral scholars and a highly skilled staff.
Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE)
The Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) is a leading business information company. It was established in 1976, primarily as an independent think tank. Today, CMIE has a presence over the entire information food-chain - from large scale primary data collection and information product development through analytics and forecasting. It provides services to the entire spectrum of business information consumers including governments, academia, financial markets, business enterprises, professionals and media.
Centre on Methods and Policy Application in the Social Sciences (COMPASS) at the University of Auckland, New Zealand
COMPASS consists of a team of researchers with experience and expertise in a range of disciplines and social science research methodologies. The center’s quantitative social science research is internationally recognized and geared toward promoting policy changes around the world.
Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, China
Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention is a governmental and national-level technical organization specializing on public health as well as disease control and prevention. The center’s mission is to create a safe and healthy environment, maintain social stability, ensure national security and promote health and well-being.
Danish Aging Research Center, Denmark
The Danish Aging Research Center is a multi-disciplinary organization that promotes aging research in Denmark through a co-operation between the University of Southern Denmark, Aarhus University and the University of Copenhagen.
French National Institute of Demographic Studies (INED), France
The French Institute for Demographic Studies (INED) is a public research institute specialized in population studies that works in partnership with the academic and research communities at national and international levels. In addition to scientific research, INED also collects and disseminates demographic information on France and other countries.
Jacobs Foundation, Switzerland
The Jacobs Foundation funds global research on learning and child development, supports innovative scientists, and implements practical projects in early childhood and rural livelihoods.
Julius L. Chambers Biomedical Biotechnology Research Institute (BBRI), North Carolina Central University
Under the leadership of Dr. Deepak Kumar, NCCU’s JLC-BBRI research facilities in Durham and Kannapolis, NC (North Carolina Research Campus-NCRC) conduct multidisciplinary and inter institutional research targeting health issues that disproportionately affect minority and underserved populations. With a focus on students, the institute provides research experiences that enhance their access to careers in the biomedical sciences. Dr. Kumar is also the principal investigator (PI) of the NIMHD U54 Research Centers in Minority Institutions (RCMI) grant and directs the NCCU RCMI Center for Health Disparities Research (RCHDR).
Kings College London, United Kingdom
King's College London is one of the oldest and most prestigious in England, ranked 31st in the world. A leading research university, it has an outstanding reputation for world-class teaching and cutting-edge research. With five campuses in the heart of London, it offers students a cosmopolitan setting with superb access to the academic, cultural and social riches of the city.
Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR), Germany
The Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) in Rostock, Germany is one of the leading demographic research centers in the world. At the MPIDR, researchers from all over the world investigate demographic change, aging, fertility, digital demography and other issues at the forefront of population research.
Medical Research Council (MRC), United Kingdom
The Medical Research Council (MRC) supports support research across the biomedical spectrum from fundamental lab-based science to clinical trials and population studies. The MRC’s mission is to encourage and support research to improve human health; produce skilled researchers; advance and disseminate knowledge and technology to improve the quality of life; and promote dialogue with the public about medical research.
National Institute of Statistical Sciences (NISS), USA
The National Institute of Statistical Sciences (NISS) delivers high-impact research in science and in public policy by leveraging the rich expertise of its staff with that of its base of affiliated organizations in academia, industry and government. As its name indicates, NISS works on issues where information and quantitative analysis are keys to solutions and decisions.
Population Research Center at the University of Chicago
The Population Center (PRC) at the University of Chicago is an interdisciplinary research center designed to facilitate high quality population research within its signature theme—human and social capital in the urban context—and conducted by its researchers in economics, sociology, health and other disciplines. The PRC’s urban emphasis is rooted in the emerging significance of global trends in urbanization, the ongoing and pressing concerns regarding urban populations in the U.S. and the long-standing interest in urban questions among our faculty. With this focus, the tools of demography and theoretical precepts of human and social capital can be brought to urban studies.
The Coordinating Center for the NIA Centers on the Demography and Economics of Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease and Alzheimer’s Related Dementias
With the proportion of older people increasing in the United States and around the world, we face new challenges and opportunities, particularly in the areas of health care and retirement systems, long-term care, and family supports. To help inform public discussion of such issues and promote the health and well-being of older adults, the National Institute on Aging (NIA) of the National Institutes of Health supports research on the demography and economics of population aging. The Centers on the Demography and Economics of Aging and Centers on the Demography and Economics of Alzheimer’s Disease/Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias (AD/ADRD) exist to seed new lines of research in the demography and economics of aging and the demography, economics and health services research relevant to AD/ADRD. The Centers have been instrumental in supporting pilot research, attracting and developing scholars, establishing networks to advance scientific discourse, and developing and promoting new data resources. The Coordinating Center works collaboratively to foster communication and collaborative activities across the Centers.
The Rockwool Foundation, Denmark
The Rockwool Foundation is a charitable organization established in 1981 by six members of the Kähler family who each contributed 25% of their own shares. The overarching objective of both research and interventions is to contribute to strengthening the social and financial sustainability of the welfare state through the creation of new, independent knowledge about the challenges faced by society and through the development of solutions to these challenges.
United States Census Bureau, USA
The United States Census Bureau is responsible for producing data about the American people and economy. The Census Bureau's primary mission is conducting the U.S. Census every ten years, which allocates the seats of the U.S. House of Representatives to the states based on their population. The information provided by the census informs decisions on where to build and maintain schools, hospitals, transportation infrastructure, and police and fire departments. The Census Bureau also conducts dozens of other censuses and surveys, including the American Community Survey, the U.S. Economic Census, and the Current Population Survey.
University of Oslo, Norway
The University of Oslo, is the oldest university in Norway, located in the Norwegian capital of Oslo. Its faculties include theology, law, medicine, humanities, mathematics, natural sciences, social sciences, dentistry, and education. The university's original neoclassical campus is located in the center of Oslo; it is currently occupied by the Faculty of Law. The university also includes some formally independent, affiliated institutes such as the Centre for International Climate and Environmental Research (CICERO), NKVTS and the Frisch Centre.
University of Otago, New Zealand
The University of Otago is New Zealand’s leading postgraduate research university offering 195 undergraduate and graduate programs in business, health sciences, humanities and sciences. Otago’s main campus is located in Dunedin, housing the Divisions of Health Sciences, Humanities, Business and Sciences. Postgraduate research focuses on the health and well-being of communities, innovative and sustainable economic development and resilience in unique environments.