Characterizing Caregiving Networks among Persons with ADRD in a Global Context

More than 80% of persons living with Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias (ADRD) receive care from one or more of their family members or friends.1 This proportion is even higher among individuals from low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) such as China where high-quality institutional and community care for dementia is limited.2 Prior studies have shown that dementia interventions can improve the health and well-being of persons with ADRD.3 However, most of these programs are intense, multicomponent, resource-demanding, focus only on the primary caregiver, and have mainly been

Racial Differences in Age-Related Hearing Loss in Middle-Aged and Older Adults

Aim 1: Examine racial differences in age-related patterns of hearing loss (HL) among Black and White adults aged 50 and older using (a) nationally-representative data from the Health and Retirement Study (HRS) and (b) electronic health record (EHR) data from patients in the Duke University Health System (DUHS).

Aim 2: Investigate the clinical and non-clinical factors associated with age-related HL among Black and White adults aged 50 and older in the HRS and EHR data.

Child Maltreatment and CPS Contact

Our proposed research has three aims. We will first generate latent classes of maltreatment and Child Protective Services (CPS) contact based on the type(s) of maltreatment, age of onset of maltreatment, duration of maltreatment, frequency of maltreatment, and level of contact with CPS, including having an investigation and being placed in foster care. Subsequently, we will estimate differences in the prevalence of each of these classes by race/ethnicity, parental socioeconomic status, and other key background and demographic characteristics.

Quantifying the Gradient of Market Integration in Relation to Health Across the Life Course in Northeast Madagascar

This project will develop methods to quantify market integration that are appropriate for the cultural, economic, and social context of northeast Madagascar with a goal of investigating differences in health across gradients in market integration. The study will collect data on age, height, weight, blood pressure, as well as household survey data on self-reported health, health behaviors, and animal contact.

Data Collection Innovations to Study the Health of African Immigrants in the United States

This project will (1) combine conventional probability sampling approaches with an innovative link-tracing sampling design to recruit representative samples of migrant and non-migrant households at origin (Ghana) and destination (US) and link migrants at destination with their families at origin; and (2) rely on peer-referral techniques embedded in NSN to follow members of these samples longitudinally in the US, in Ghana and when they return to Ghana, in order to understand the impact of migration on the health and wellbeing of African immigrants in the US. 

Characterizing Accelerated Aging in Veterans of the Gulf War using Epigenetic Biomarkers

Gulf War illness (GWI) is a chronic multisymptom illness (CMI) like fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, and chronic fatigue syndrome.  GWI affects an estimated 25-32% of veterans who were deployed in support of the first Gulf War (1990-91) who continue to experience a host of persistent and reoccurring symptoms (e.g., fatigue, pain, rashes, and gastrointestinal issues) that cannot be explained by other diagnosed medical conditions.

Psychological and mental health determinants of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and vaccine resistance

This pilot aims to deliver a comprehensive psychological description of groups who differed in their vaccine intentions in the months just before vaccines became available to them utilizing a cohort on all 1037 births  (1972-1973) in one city from the Dunedin Study in New Zealand.  Public health professionals aspire to tailor pro-vaccination messaging to the values,  motives, lifesty