Racial Differences in Age-Related Hearing Loss in Middle-Aged and Older Adults

Aim 1: Examine racial differences in age-related patterns of hearing loss (HL) among Black and White adults aged 50 and older using (a) nationally-representative data from the Health and Retirement Study (HRS) and (b) electronic health record (EHR) data from patients in the Duke University Health System (DUHS).

Aim 2: Investigate the clinical and non-clinical factors associated with age-related HL among Black and White adults aged 50 and older in the HRS and EHR data.

Two overarching hypotheses guide the proposed aims of this project. Hypothesis 1: Age- related patterns of HL will vary among Black and White U.S. middle-aged and older adults; and Black adults will exhibit greater levels/rates of age-related HL relative to White adults based on AMCLASSä classification of air-bone gap (signifying type of HL), (a)symmetry of HL, and severity of HL.12 Hypothesis 2: A combination of socioeconomic, psychosocial, and behavioral factors will contribute to age-related patterns of HL in Black and White adults. Socioeconomic factors are hypothesized to play the largest role in racial differences in HL.

Academic Year
Duke Principal Investigator(s)
Primary Funding Agency
Award Year