- The Population Research Institute at Penn State anticipates openings for two T32 Postdoctoral Scholars, one NICHD-funded trainee in Social Environments and Population Health, and another NIA-funded trainee in Emerging Disparities in Population Health. Owing to sponsor requirements, applicants must be U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents. Screening of applications will begin on February 17, 2025 and continue until the position is filled.
- The Department of Anthropology in the College of Arts and Sciences at the University at Albany, is seeking applicants for a Promoting Recruitment, Opportunity, Diversity, Inclusion and Growth plus (PRODiG+) Fellowship in Biological Anthropology or Human Biology. PRODiG+ is an initiative of SUNY system aiming to (1) increase the number and share of excellent diverse faculty committed to advancing the ideals of diversity, equity, and inclusion; and (2) strengthen the pipeline for retention and support of those faculty. This is a 12 month position that is expected to be two years in duration. Through the PRODiG+ program, SUNY expects to generate a pipeline of over 400 postdoctoral fellows to enter tenure-track faculty positions over the next 10 years. The area of research specialization should complement departmental strengths in Demography, Functional Morphology, Biomechanics, Comparative Biology, Primate Variation, Human Growth and Development, Health and Statistics. The Fellow will work with school faculty to advance their personal research portfolio with journal publications and presentations and national/international conferences.
- Postdoctoral position in behavioral economics and global health (UPENN) - The Behavioral Economics and Global Health Insights (BEGIN) Lab at the University of Pennsylvania is seeking a Postdoctoral Fellow who can support ongoing research projects and conduct original research on a wide range of topics in global health. Co-directed by Professors Alison Buttenheim & Harsha Thirumurthy, the mission of the BEGIN Lab is to seek innovative solutions to persistent challenges that limit healthy lifespans globally. Supported by grants from the US National Institutes of Health and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the BEGIN Lab’s projects take place in the Global South.
- Social and Behavioral Sciences Postdoctoral Fellowships - The Social and Behavioral Sciences Branch (SBSB) within NICHD’s Division of Population Health Research is inviting applications for postdoctoral fellows to join collaborative, multi-disciplinary teams and develop their own projects within the scope of ongoing research in the Branch. SBSB research addresses multiple aspects of health, health-related behaviors, and health equity throughout the life course by investigating novel social, behavioral, and environmental determinants of health in population-based observational and experimental studies.
- NIH T90/R90 Postdoctoral Training Program - The University of Michigan Chronic Pain and Fatigue Research Center (CPFRC) has openings through its NIH Pain HEAL T90/R90 training program. The CPFRC's portfolio of research spans the translational spectrum from mechanistic research to clinical trials and community engagement with a focus on equity. We are interested in applicants looking for an independent research career in pain science. Fellows are expected to write their own career development award (K award) with support of the program. See the attached document to learn more, including eligibility criteria and contact information.
- Hiring for the UMN Rural Health Equity Postdoctoral Program - Opening for Rural Health Equity Postdoctoral Program at the University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center! The primary goal of this program is to train scholars who will become innovative research leaders in rural health. The postdoc will receive mentorship and support from the RHRC leadership and staff and closely collaborate on projects. Application deadline 3/21/25.
- The parasitic infectious disease group of Dr. Joana C Silva, Professor at the Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS, http://www.igs.umaryland.edu) seeks applicants for one (possibly two) postdoctoral scholar positions. IGS at the University of Maryland, School of Medicine is an interdisciplinary, multi-departmental team of collaborative investigators with a broad research program related to the basic and translational sciences, genomics, epigenetics, and bioinformatics. The impact of the members of IGS on the genomics field has been substantial, with more than 2000 publications during the past 26 years, which have been cited more than 300,000 times, making IGS one of the most productive institutions in the region.
- The Department of Population Health and Disease Prevention at the University of California, Irvine, invites applications for a postdoctoral researcher position in HIV behavioral and social network epidemiology. The researcher will be asked to contribute to the analyses of data collected as part of the ANCHOR (Analysis of network composition, health outcomes, and resilience) project that examines HIV risks and other health outcomes in displaced queer populations in Ukraine. The researcher will work closely with Dr. Tetyana Vasylyeva (PI, UC Irvine) and Dr. Britt Skaathun (co-I, UC San Diego), and the rest of the study team.
- Dr. Xue Zhang, in the College of Health and Human Development at Penn State, is recruiting a full-time Postdoctoral Scholar to use an intersectional and interdisciplinary approach to study the individual, interpersonal, social, and structural factors that shape health disparities with a focus on rural communities. The Postdoctoral Scholar should have expertise in and conduct research on rural-urban or within-rural disparities in at least one of the following areas: substance use, healthcare access and utilization, and mortality.
- The Faculty of Social Sciences invites applications for the position of TWO POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCHERS ON SOCIAL INEQUALITIES IN HEALTH for a fixed term period of 3-4 years, starting as agreed. The positions are part of an ERC Advanced Grant to Pekka Martikainen and the newly established Max Planck – University of Helsinki Center for Social Inequalities in Population Health. The project aims to better understand the effects of social factors on health, incidence of chronic disease, care needs and mortality in ageing populations over time. Our analyses will take advantage of Finnish census and population registration data that are unique internationally in that they longitudinally combine individual and family data representative of a national population for over 50 years. These data are also linked to epidemiological cohort studies that contain behavioral, clinical and genetic information.
- A postdoctoral position is available at the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP). The postdoctoral fellow will work with a faculty member that was recruited as part of the UTEP FIRST program. The UTEP FIRST program aims to catapult scientific discovery in Hispanic Health Disparities Research [HHDR] driven by a comprehensive and highly-supported faculty cohort model embedded in a nascent institutional culture of inclusive excellence that provides thoughtful and deliberate processes for defining, framing, reframing, and improving organizational culture and behaviors informed by metrics and knowledge about proven and emerging practices. The postdoctoral fellow will work with a UTEP FIRST faculty cohort member in developing research programs related to health disparities. The postdoctoral fellow selected will work under general supervision from Dr. Hyeran Chung with moderate latitude for independent research by assisting in the development, implementation, and monitoring of specialized research projects.
Also check out the following job sites for current population postdoctoral training opportunities:
- Population Association of America Job Board
- Association of Population Centers Job Board
- IAPHS Announcements Page